Friday, November 24, 2006

still sick

It's Laura's birthday. I'm old. I have a 5 year old. She's out putt putting with her Aunt, Uncles, cousins, Grandparents, mother and sister and I'm sitting here in the living room with my pajamas on. I have a fever, did a little vomiting and just feel lousy. It's 63 degrees and beautiful outside. Supposed to get up to 67. I should be putt putting and then going real golfing. But I'm stuck watching college football alone. Maybe tomorrow. It'll be 66 tomorrow.

Steph got up at 4:20 this morning to go shopping. She's crazy. Her mom and brother went too. At least she was able to get gifts for all the cousins and get them at a good price. South Carolina has this neat thing going on this weekend. There is no sales tax today or tomorrow. It makes me want to go out and buy a car or huge t.v. or something. So it works. It's a good economy stimulator. Maybe it's a good thing I'm sick.

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