Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The day after the election

I know I know. I'm supposed to be ticked off and hoarding food in my bunker and all that stuff. But I'm not. Instead I'm choosing to be hopeful. I tried to stay up last night and listen to Obama's speach but I didn't last much longer than McCain's. I remember thinking how bad I felt for the Palin's, they have to go back to Alaska. I also found it weird that I heard the announcement on Comedy Central. Maybe someday I'll grow up and watch the real news. So here's what I'm hoping for. I'm hoping that the nation rallies behind Obama like they did behind Reagan. I'm hoping that some of the things we were told about Obama are things that were misrepresented or are from his past and he's matured past them. I'm hoping that all of us learn from all of this and both Republicans and Democrats will really start doing things that are in the best interest of our nation and not our friends or our voting districts. I'm hoping Obama picks some people for his staff that know a lot and aren't just friends of his. This is what I'd love to see in the future. I'd love to see someone humble run for office. A guy (or gal) who isn't afraid to admit he doesn't know it all but will surround himself with the right people. I'd love to see him pick those people ahead of time and run as a group. Be willing to say that these are the people that are going to help me make decisions. To admit he doesn't know everything about finances and so here's a guy like Steve Forbes to run with me. Or I don't know everything about foreign affairs and so here's so and so to run with me. I think it would be good to know who a president is going to pick before we elect him. Anyways. There's some ramblings. I have enough faith not to be worried about it. So I really am hopeful.


Paul said...

Oh and he said during the Monday Night Football interview that he would like to see a college football playoff. I can't see the college presidents listening to him but I can be hopeful right?

TheChurchLady said...

If it makes you feel better, I fell asleep watching Comedy Central waiting for the final tally. Of course I didn't make it past, ummm, lets just say, it was still early. But I feel Stewart & Colbert cut through all the blah-blah stuff and put it in terms I understand better. I do watch hours of "real news", I too am trying to grow up. but am in no hurry. Appreciate your nice positive spin on it though. Yea, and did you hear?? Us Michiganians approved "Medical Marijuana". UGH!! Not in my house. Hugs!!

Sgt. Wolverine said...

Not only did we Michiganders approve medical marijuana, but we also approved expanded embryonic stell cell research thanks to one of the most offensively manipulative and hideously misleading advertising campaigns I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

So big bro, I watched it on CNN and MSNBC in PIP. I watch both daily for the record. Come next election season, you'll be happy to know that Verizon is now offering Comedy Central streaming live on their phones. Anyhow, I agree completely with you and it was nice to hear you say that. Lynn said just last night that she really respects your opinion when it comes to politics so she was wishing we could have watched the election with you instead of our Democrat friends. Miss and love you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my the innocense of the younger generation. My children do not be decieved we are going to have 4 years of policy that will not be helpful to the free market capitalism of our country. We will see "activist" judges appointed and liberal social agendas advanced. Yet I am confident the republic will survive and we will maintain our freedom to worship. We will also see good businesses continue to grow. The affects of higher taxes will hurt but not kill the economy. I have faith that God is in control and he was not asleep on election day.
Blessings on you all.

Anonymous said...

yes I know I mispelled innocence.