Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Jailhouse Rock

I went to jail yesterday. I got to preach to the inmates. It was very much like the movies. A big metal door opens automatically and you walk into a little room. Then the door automatically shuts behind you. When it shuts all the way, with that loud movie bang/clang, the next door opens and you're in the jail. Then you check in at the security thing and leave your car keys and anything else you have on you. After we were checked in we headed to a classroom that was remotely unlocked when we got to the door. We had two groups. The first one really seemed to interact better with me. Each group had about 25 guys. One of the guys named Micah sang a song that he wrote. It was pretty incredible. I'm hoping to get a copy of it and have someone sing it in church. I guess I'd say that my first time to jail was ok. I'm really hoping I never end up living there.

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