Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ah High Speed at home

That's right for the first time ever I have broadband internet at home. The bummer is that means I have cable for the first time too. I miss Directv. It's easier to use. We had more channels. But cable is cheaper. Maybe I'll get used to it. The good news is that cable doesn't require a contract so I can go back if I need NFL Network that bad.

We've moved all the boxes into the house. Now we're trying to unpack them and put everything in order. Hopefully we'll get there. I've replaced one of the toilets and the wax seal and seat on the other. I think the shower downstairs might be one of my next projects. I'm thinking about putting one of those corner showers in down there. That bathroom needs a new sink and vanity as well. The bathroom upstairs needs a vanity too.


Anonymous said...

Yo I miss you!

Hope the run went well!


TheChurchLady said...

OK, so this has nothing to do with your awesome high speed, but what is going on there?? First the "sonic boom" then the "earth quake" now you all are making national news with your weather!! The weather channel even zoomed in on Kokomo last night so we could all see the big, bad storm moving in on you. Today, they have live shots from the area to show the devestation to the area. Has it always been like this there or just now that you are there? And, are you all in a safe, high and dry area or are you coming back to the house on the hill? L.Y.!!