Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A week in the life of an assistant pastor

Ok so I thought I'd let you in on a typical week for me. First off, there is no such thing as a typical week. Things are always changing. Here's this week as it happened and as it is planned.

Sunday. Sunday School opening starts at 9:45. I was at church somewhere around 9:30. I didn't teach Sunday School this week so that was a little break. During church I do announcements and pray for the offering. This week I also opened the service because pastor was getting ready to do some baptisms. After the morning service our choir practiced for their cantata. That took all afternoon. I don't do anything for the evening service but after it I do youth group. That ended and I finished cleaning up about 9. So that was a long day.

Monday. Monday started around 9. I came over to church and spent most of the morning working on our church's projector. I was looking for replacement bulbs and things like that. I got it all fixed just in time for lunch. After lunch on Mondays I go calling. I called on an older couple in our church. The man is trying to get veterans benefits but he's had a stroke and cannot remember any of the info they want. So now I'm trying to help them with that. I made another visit and then got home close to 3. I then went running around 4 and hung around talking about future plans with the youth group. I got home at 5:40, ate supper, showered and was back at the church at 6:10 for calling. I was 10 minutes late. We saw 2 people and got home about 8:30.

Tuesday. Tuesday morning I started at church working on a future youth event. Later that morning I worked on the brakes of an older ladies car. I took a break in the afternoon to be in the office and then ran. I finished the car just before 9 and then watched the History Channel.

Wednesday. Today I've posted this. I will work on Jr. High youth today. I also will work on the lights in the sanctuary. I will work on the veterans thing. I will put together a cd of music to play before the cantata.

Thursday. My day off. I'm planning on golfing. I've never had this many people want to golf with me the same week. Maybe it's because it's the first week for some of them.

Friday. I'll work on Sr. High youth. I'll work on a powerpoint that I've been putting together for our future baptism classes. My parents will come up in the afternoon and I will grill supper and then be back at church at 6 to prepare for the cantata. I will probably be home around 9.

Saturday. I have no plans as of now for Saturday.

Sunday. We have a semi-sunrise breakfast at 8 and it starts all over again.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Paul -- this has nothing to do with your week-in-the-life-of post (which was well worth reading), but I wanted to give you this sad link:

I knew her from a college ministry at UM/EMU. I was involved with it for a couple years, and I still know most of the people in it. The ministry is relatively small, so pretty much everyone knows everyone else. This has hit the group pretty hard. (How is anyone supposed to react to news like that?)

The visitation was yesterday, and the funeral is this morning (Thursday). I think a lot of people would covet your prayers in this. (Especially the couple who lead the ministry.) Thanks.

Paul said...

Wow Burrill, what a bummer. I'll pray for you and for the ministry.