Monday, April 10, 2006


Do you like documentaries? Last night I got hooked. The History Channel is doing a week long special on "Ten Days that Unexpectedly Changed America". Last night I watched the one on Antietam. It was excellent. It probably guaranteed I watch the rest of the week. That battle truly was incredible and insane. Unfortunately I fell asleep during the second documentary on "The Massacre at Myst". I'm looking forward to tonight. It's "Einstein's Letter" about the beginning of the atomic bomb.

So here's the question.

Do you like documentaries?

I'm not a huge fan but these seem pretty good. I even included the link above that tells about each of the documentaries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love them, and I think they are written by evil people. They suck me in. One of my favorites was the kid whose face was overcome by tumors. And then I like the girl who had the flesh eating reaction to antibiotics. I watched the unsucessful seraches for BigFoot and the Loch Ness Monster. They had me for a minute, I thought they were going to find both of them. I really need to get a job. -Tami