Monday, March 17, 2008

It's March Madness!

It's that time of year again. I'm pumped. I've made a bracket challenge for readers of my blog. It's free. Sign up and pick. Just click this link. The password is weaveswrites. Sign up. You don't have to know a bunch, it's just for fun. Oh and make sure you cheer for Butler.

Usually I'd be complaining about somebody that was left out, Arizona State, or how a team was seeded wrong. But I'm just glad there is a tournament, take that BCS. Now I need to plan my menu for Thursday... Got any ideas?


Rayn said...

Does this call for the special pop?

Sgt. Wolverine said...

Ah, yes, now one of the most part-time fan bases in all of sports gets to be excited for a few weeks again. And yes, I am part of that part-time fan base.

kibbles said...

Wings, wings and more wings. Just don't use the recipe we did the other night. Better yet. I see the sign at Qdoba does catering. That is the ticket.