Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Weaves at the Super Bowl

I'm going to the Super Bowl festivities on Friday. We have tickets for the NFL experience and we plan on seeing some of the other things going on. Here's a question for you. If we get into a crowd around something like sportscenter, what do we do to stand out in that crowd? Here's some ideas I had. Tell me which you like or give me your ideas.

Start doing the YMCA dance.

Start a "Fire Millen" chant. Actually that would probably help us blend in.

Do the escalator/elevator/canoe thing where you gradually disappear behind something.

Wear a yellow t-shirt.

Take off my shirt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why must you stand out in the croud by doing something strange? I think you did that in high school. Didn't you take your shirt off in the cold weather when you were 18. You're 31 now, for pete's sake. You could try wearing a tux and act like you're on the red carpet.