Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Joe Montana story

Friday while in Detroit we got to see part of the Dan Patrick show. I have posted a picture of Dan and Joe Montana. I tried to start a "Fire Millen" chant but Dan missed it and then started his own a few minutes later. However, a cool moment came during his interview with Montana. He asked Joe to call the Taylor TD play in the huddle. So Joe called the play and then Dan asked him to act like he was at the line and to do the call there. Joe hesitated so I yelled out "BLUE 32!" Joe laughed and said "Ya, blue 32". Then he said no and changed it to red something or another but he did mention what I yelled out. That was pretty cool. If you heard the show Friday leave me a comment and let me know if you could hear me yell or just Joe mention it.

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