Friday, May 11, 2007

I'm a nerd

Yesterday we went to see Spiderman 3. I'd heard that it was dark and stuff like that. So I was a little worried. It wasn't dark. Nothing compared to Batman Begins. That is a dark movie. Spiderman was long though. I'm not such a fan of long movies. I don't know if it's my attention span or that I hate sitting that long. So anyways the nerd thing. I was the only one in our little group that went to see it that recognized Stan Lee. The creator of Spiderman. If only I could remember something useful.

I also played golf yesterday. I had one of my worst rounds in a long time.


Anonymous said...

I've been told the best thing about the movie is the special effects (which, as far as I'm concerned, is no longer a compliment). Is that true?

Paul said...

The special effects are good. However, as a nerd, I like the spiderman story. I don't know that it was told the best way(there's no way a movie that long is the best way), but there are some good stories here.

1. A battle within oneself to choose to do good or to do bad.

2. Forgiveness is a major theme to the movie.

3. Loyalty and helping a friend that has wronged you.

I'm not one to try and read too much into movies and things. These themes are obvious and make for a good story.

Paul said...

I guess story 2 and 3 are probably the same.

By the way if you watch the movie, watch for the bridge scene in Central Park. That bridge is only a few hundred yards away from where Steph and I got engaged.

Anonymous said...

:) Nerdiness runs in the family. I picked up on Stan too. BTW, I really didn't care for 3. Pirates better not be a letdown too.
