Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ronan Tynan

Ah the fall. I love football. I love the cooler weather. I actually enjoy watching playoff baseball. I watch the Yankees and the Astros. This year the Astros just missed. So it's just the Yankees. I'm the worst kind of Yankees fan. I only watch the postseason and if they are playing the Red Sox. I despise all Boston teams. So cheering for the Yankees is perfect.

Even if you aren't a baseball fan you need to check out the 7th inning stretch sometime to hear Ronan Tynan sing "God Bless America". He's good stuff, and he's Irish, and he has a great set of ears. Go Irish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched game 1 of the Tigers/Yankees series (on regular tv; at least 2 and 3 are on cable, grrr), and I got to see Tynan sing. It is worth hearing.

Oh, and I got the ND post online.