Wednesday, May 24, 2006

More on the car saga

We took the car to another mechanic yesterday. This is the third. This time he acknowledged that something was wrong but he couldn't figure out what it was. His advice was to drive it until it ran hot consistently or sell it. He seemed to favor selling it. I can't bring myself to sell a broken car. That's not fair. I can't trade it in because I still owe money on it. So I guess I have to drive it until it breaks more. I hope that isn't this weekend when Steph drives it to Ann Arbor while I'm in the Upper Peninsula.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I traded in my car when I still owed on it. Granted I owed less than it was worth. They bought out what was left on my car, and gave me the rest of it as credit towards the new one. That's an idea!