Friday, March 27, 2009


I've been sick all week. It feels like someone is squeezing my lungs only I can't cough anything out and it doesn't feel like there's anything in there to cough out. This isn't good timing for the mini. I needed the runs this week. I was going to do a 9 miler. I hope it doesn't set me back too far.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm tired of hearing all the politicians and people upset with the bonuses at AIG. Why do they assume that if you take a company that is making bad decisions and failing and give it billions of dollars that all of a sudden they will make wise decisions? You don't fix any problems by throwing money at them. If anything you encourage the wrong behavior by taking away the consequences.

I ran 4 miles yesterday. I'm going to try 8 on Thursday.

Friday, March 13, 2009


The unemployment rate in Kokomo is now 17.4%. That's crazy. People need to start buying Chryslers again or something.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

7 miles

I did 7 miles today. I had to stop a couple of times. Once I saw a friend from church and I had to talk to him for a couple of minutes. The other time was on the way home and I had to go to the bathroom so bad that I didn't know if I'd make it home. So I stopped at the church. I felt pretty good. I think I could have done the 7 miles without having to stop. And yes daylight savings time does give me another hour. That's why there's global warming. The sun is up an extra hour every day. If we'd just get rid of daylight savings time we wouldn't have to worry about any of that.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

4 miles

I ran 4 miles yesterday. I had a huge lunch a few hours before and felt like I needed to burp the entire time. It was miserable. I was slow but I didn't stop the entire time. Wednesday or Thursday I think I'm going to try for 6. Tonight I'll use the elliptical if I have time. I probably won't get home until after 9 though. I have a counseling appointment at 5. The girls school world's fair after that and then a school concert thing at 7:30 that some youth group kids are in. Not much time for running in there.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

5 miles

I'm sitting on the back porch. I love our back porch. Well I used to. When we moved in last May or so there was only 2 dogs in this neighborhood. And both were well behaved inside dogs. Now we have 7. And 2 are very loud and 1 keeps jumping the fence into our yard and barking at us from our own yard. That is really bothering me. I went over and talked to the owner and hopefully they do something about it.

I ran 5 miles today. I walked half a mile in the middle but made up for it at the end. So I went 5.5 miles. I've got a long ways to go before I'm ready for the mini and I'm running out of time. I have to make it though or I'll let Dan down. I'm hoping that the time change will make it easier to find time at the end of the day.

Friday, March 06, 2009


Running hasn't been great lately. It's been really hard to find time for it. I ran 4 miles Wednesday. I used the elliptical yesterday. Running isn't something I really look forward to right now. Maybe as the weather gets warmer and the sun stays up longer I'll start to enjoy it more. I hope. I have the mini to get ready for.