Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Ok here's the update. We just found out that we didn't get the house we put the bid on. This puts us a little behind. We're going to have to rent something while we find a house. We're looking at stuff now and hopefully we'll find something soon. I've finished my time at Chip Hills and now I've got a couple of weeks to get down to Kokomo and start there. I'm packing my office up today. Steph and her mom seem to have a good start on the house. I've got a truck reserved for Monday. I'll try to keep you updated.


Lindy said...

Sorry to hear that. It's a good thing that God's in control and we're not, eh?

Praying for you and the girls.

kibbles said...

I guess you have to just stay and live by me. I know a house just down the road.