Friday, December 07, 2007

O Christmas Tree

I finally went out to buy a Christmas tree. I'm a little cheap and was dreading paying $30-50 for a tree. I saw a place where I could buy an already cut one for $25. I still don't like paying $25 for something I'm going to throw away in a month anyways but I went in hopes of having my family still love me. When I got there the old man was helping someone else so I walked through looking at his trees. When he got to me I told him I needed something this high and I raised my hand as far as I could. He led me over to those size trees and said something like "I've had this one here cut for a week and a half and nobody wants it. I'll sell it to you for $10." I didn't need to even look at the tree. He'd said the magic words. He showed it to me and it was pretty ugly. But I didn't care it was $10. I loaded it in the truck and headed home. We decorated that night and it really isn't that ugly anymore. So here's our tree. Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Charlie Brown got his because it needed a home. You sort of did the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I am absolutely amazed at your thriftiness. I don't get it. I appreciate it. But I don't get it.
