Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A double full rainbow

Oh and Burrill, I'm not cool enough to use photoshop. These are all natural! Well, if digital can be called natural.


Anonymous said...

Photoshop is kind of a necessary evil in my mind. I don't really like it, and in an ideal world, I could avoid it altogether, but that's not really how things work. Oh well.

Nice shots of the rainbow. I like how you got the steeple in the rainbow in the first one.

And now I can't help but think of Skittles advertisements: taste the rainbow. Sometimes I hate how advertising is so effective.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that, with Paul being Irish and all, there should be a pot o' gold somewhere in there. Or at least a leprechaun.

Anonymous said...

Or Charlie Weis!

Paul said...

So Burrill what would photoshopping do to these pictures?

And I'm not telling what was at the end of the rainbow.

Anonymous said...

It was Jimmy Clausen, wasn't it.

In my hands, photoshopping does this:
And this:

Someone more skilled at photoshop could probably do more, but like I said in my recent blog post, I keep it to a minimum.

Lindy said...

We saw the same rainbow at my house...kinda nice to remember you're not all that far away...been praying for you and your family...hope your visit from TJ and Heidi was splendid. talk to you later.