Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Michigan is a mess

I don't know about other states. I live in Michigan. I don't know as much as I could about Michigan or maybe even as much as I should. But what I do know is that Michigan is a mess. Money isn't the problem. It's a lack of wisdom on how to spend money that is the problem. Lawmakers waste money and don't give as much as they should to schools. They are even misleading about how much goes to schools. Recently they came up with a plan to buy an iPod for each Michigan public school student. That would've cost 36 million dollars. It was shot down. Schools waste the money they get and end up in debt. They build buildings they don't need. They host dinners that are much too expensive. School boards go on all expense paid trips. Personally our school system eliminated busing in the mornings last year. This year they are laying off tons of teachers (cuts just in staff that would equal $982,000.), thinking about closing one of the schools (the one Laura goes to), planning on cuts for sports, and just cutting any where that they can. It's frustrating.


Anonymous said...

Its worse than you know. They are required to have money in savings. Schools lay off teachers and stop bus routes and put money in cd's. Arg.

CEW said...

Please don't lose heart or give up on Michigan. Yes, things look pretty bad. Quite dire, in fact. But all over the state there are hopeful signs. I'm trying to affirm hopeful things in the state and offer new ways of thinking about the future here on my blog, Our Michigan. Please check it out.


Paul said...

We need people like you Celeste to try to bring change in a hopeful way. I'm more of a pessimist I guess. But I won't stand in your way. Go to it and help bring back a strong Michigan.