Friday, January 05, 2007


I'm a huge sports fan. One of the biggest fans that I know. I'm not Stump the Schwab material but I follow pretty closely. Here's my problem. And I've probably whined about this to you before. My teams don't win championships. You may tell me that championships are overrated and I should be happy to cheer for teams that have winning records. I tell you that it's easy for you to say that because your team has won a championship. Let's look at the history. I became a serious sports fan when we moved to Indy. Before that I was too young to really get into it. I went to a Monday Night Colts game back in the late 80's and was hooked on them ever since. They haven't been to a Super Bowl since I've been a fan. I became a Notre Dame fan when we started going to games in 1989. The year after they won the championship. I've cheered for the Pacers since we started going to their games in the early 90's. They went to the finals once and I was so thrilled that we flew a Pacers banner from the top of the bell tower of the old school house we lived in. They lost to the Lakers. I don't know what it is to win a celebrate a championship. Sometimes I feel I never will.


Paul said...

Yeah yeah I'm a crybaby. Now pass the tissues and turn on Rudy.

Anonymous said...

I can't say my team won either, since I don't have a team....but did you have fun? You know that if you have fun you really win. In that case I'd say in the world of sports you win.


Anonymous said...

Sgt. Wolverine said...

I think the city of Philadelphia could compete with you. Otherwise, yeah, you need a championship.

Anonymous said...

Shut your mouth!!!! The Colts are going to win this year and I won't have you jinxing them! Have a little faith in Peyton and Marvin.

Paul said...

Mattman cheers for Philly teams and we cry on each others shoulders all the time.

Ken said...

wow... where to start...
1. choose better teams
2. championships as a player must be amazing... got to win teh conference as a little playing football... it was great, especialy since we sucked a few years earlier...
2a. championships as a fan.. fun but only amazing if your priorities are out of wack.. for example... i have had the pleasure of being a florida fan... last years baskeetball and the 1996, 2006 footbal.... the best was that the basketball players returned to school to continue having fun as college players and also the football was against OSU (which was really sweet!!!) but i walked away from both championships this yer realizing that the anticipation is more intense and fun that the actual... really.. i am not making this stuff up... it was cool, but now its over... i was happy for chris leak... other than that, no real big deal... another championship was the 2003 tampa bay bucs.... loved it because of so many horrible years... (i went to games starting in the 70's) the best part of that was the superbowl party i was at was a bunch of my florida friends the day after my wedding... thats right... i actually got to attend a super bowl party on my first day of the honey moon...

so all that to say... your teams suck... its not your fault... well accept for notre dame... if only they could have a softer schedule then they might have and undefeated season going into their bowl loss... and at least they played a tremendous LSU rather than the embarasssment they wouls have received from a boise state whoopin...

Paul said...

I think pretty much all of us know that my priorities are out of whack. I mean I watch the games with my jersey on, my wife wears a jersey, my youngest daughter wears a jersey, my older daughter wears blue and white because she outgrew her jersey. I hate watching games with other people. I once bounced a full sippy cup off of a youth group kid's head because he was cheering for the Patriots. I flushed my mom because she called during a finals game. I think I could go on and on.