Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Make up time

I've been gone a lot lately, been sick and haven't done much writing on the blog. So I'm going to give you a true story that happened recently while we were reroofing the parsonage.

When the guys decided to reroof the parsonage they decided it would be best for my family if the girls and Steph went somewhere else for the time it took to do it. So they went down to Dan and Darcie's and I stayed to help with the project. The problems started when the guys brought their families with them to do the job. Well not all of them did but there were at least 6 kids running around Jr. High age and under. They drank most of our Gatorade. Ate our food. But anyways. When you have that many kids running around they need certain things. A bathroom is one of those things. So I have these kids dragging in all that dirt into my house to use my bathroom. Now maybe you need to really know me to understand this. But I really like the bathroom. I like to read my Backpacker magazines while I am in the bathroom. That weekend I was in the middle of two articles. I liked them and wanted to finish them. So in the midst of this weekend one little boy needs to go to the bathroom. His mother takes him in. She goes into the bathroom with him. The boy proceeds to drop his pants and pee into my magazine rack. With his mother in the bathroom! Was she checking her hair!?! Did she try to stop him or aim him?!? Why is this 3 year old boy at the construction site my kids were encouraged to leave? So, while mourning my two articles, I have to smile when told the story and act like it's no big deal. Now I will never finish those articles. Now I look at the magazine rack and contemplate throwing it out or burning it. Now my new Backpacker magazine sits on the counter. I'm afraid to store it in the rack. As I get older I like other people's kids less and less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you get the articles on-line? If not e-mail them and get them to send you the back mags. I'd bleach the rack and keep it if you like it.
I understand about other people's kids. You two were my favorites but oh... the cousins...don't get me started....ha ha
