Friday, June 09, 2006

Is this necessary?

I guess I understand the need to prove that Al-Zarqawi is dead. But was it necessary to show him this way? I know they wanted to get the pictures out as quick as possible but pictures of him laying there in with what looks like his blood behind him? It just doesn't seem right to me.


Paul said...

Hey! I didn't know you were still around. I'm doing ok. Better than Zarqawi that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Terrorist are not an accepting people and they especially expect us to lie to them. Personally I didn't think they had to wash him up and put the make-up on him to achieve that peaceful look. So I think we did more than needed with the picture....just another perspective....Mom

Anonymous said...

It didn't bother me at all to see him dead. I wish we could see a few more that way.
If we had more of a stomach for real justice, maybe we could hang a few murderers in the street and watch to crime rate fall.