Monday, December 12, 2005

Sunday School outline

I know some of you like this sort of thing so here is my outline from Sunday School yesterday.

Being a good leader – I Samuel 11

Saul was working. V. 5

He cared about people. V. 5, 6

People were inspired to follow him. V. 6-8

Saul used his authority to help people. V. 9-11

Saul wasn’t about gaining more power or punishing those who weren’t loyal followers of his. V. 13

A good leader has the Spirit of God. V. 6

Look: Effective leaders use their authority to honor God and build up their people, but ineffective leaders use the people to build up their authority.” Warren Wiersbe

Took: Recognize whether or not God has made you a leader. If he has make sure you are building the people you lead, not building your self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everytime I hear one of your tapes or see the material you present I wonder why you aren't having this stuff published. You have real talent and should be letting others benefit from it.