Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The fair

Yesterday I went to the fair to watch a couple of youth group kids show rabbits. They did pretty good. It's hard for me at the fair. I didn't grow up on a farm and didn't spend much time around them. Animals look like animals to me. They all look the same. I did eat an elephant ear though.

I ran 5 miles yesterday with 3 quick half miles in the middle. I felt good at the end. I did it in just over 50 minutes. My warmup and cooldown times were pretty slow so I'm happy about that.

Dan here's a question, my times right now are under what my training schedule calls for. Is it bad to push my times right now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask since I tend to be someone who pushes both distance and times probably more than I should (currently dealing with second overuse injury in past two years, both of which likely came about because of my "pushing it" too much).

Most of what I read says amount of time spent running is more important than speed. So, just doing the distances on the long runs (at a safe, comfortable pace) and incorporating 1 speed workout or so a week are much more important than trying to do the easy or longer runs at a faster pace.