Thursday, January 29, 2009

The knee update

I ran 4 miles today. It's the first time I've run since my knee went funny. Partly because of the knee, partly because of the snow, and the rest because of the busy schedule. We had back to back weekends with youth retreats. We also had a state pastors and wives retreat that felt much more like a conference than a retreat. But anyways you're probably wondering how the knee held up. It was snowy and slippery. My shoes kept gathering snow under the ball of my feet making it really awkward. But the knee felt fine. It was very encouraging.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I think I've had my worst week running. Monday was snowy so I went to the YMCA to run on a treadmill. I only had a short time to run so I could watch the girls while Steph went to praise team practice. When I got there every treadmill was taken. When I finally got on I noticed that there is a half hour limit to the treadmill. Lot's of people were breaking the rules but I felt like I should follow the rules. Maybe that has something to do with me being on a free 2 week pass. I can't run 6 miles in half an hour. So I only ended up getting 3 in. I decided to make up for it on Tuesday. I wanted to run 5 miles. My route was shorter than I though and I only ran about 4. I felt lousy enough I didn't extend the route. Thursday I was supposed to run 8 miles. I wasn't hating the thought which is weird. But then when I started I got what James and I call tree trunk legs. It feels like you are just swinging tree trunks that are attatched to your body. It's just crazy heavy legs. Sometimes I can run through it sometimes I can't. I decided I was going to run through it on Thursday. However during my third mile something went wrong in my knee. I could barely walk much less run. I tried a little of both on the way back to the jeep but the pain was awful. It started to hurt again really bad after I went to bed. This morning I woke up figuring I was just a wimp but I went to shovel an old widow's driveway and it really hurts when I use it as a plant to lift heavy snow. I'll give it a few days off and try again Monday. But this has been a pretty bad running week.

Monday, January 19, 2009

This one's for you Burrill

This weekend we took the youth group up to Lake Ann Camp for a winter retreat. The snow was plentiful and beautiful. I like snow, up there. Unfortunately, right now we have it down here and it's messing with my running. Anyways, while we were up there we took a group to The Homestead to do some skiing. I haven't skied in years. But I had a ton of fun. I stayed away from the black diamonds but did everything else. I even caught some air off of a mogul I didn't see and landed it. One of the other youth leaders saw me and thought I did it on purpose. The view of Lake Michigan from the top of the hill is beautiful. The wind was cold and strong enough that it hurt my face. But besides that we had a great time. I need to catch up on some sleep so I can do a Jr. High Retreat next weekend. Woohoo.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


It's back. I'll try to post more often now that we have wireless again. We're laying in front of the fireplace right now. School let out early and everything at church was cancelled today because of the snow. It's been a really nice evening. Does anybody still check this thing? Sorry I was away for so long.