Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hello Super Bowl week!

Oh man how great would it be to be there. Last year Dan and I attended the Super Bowl festivities in Detroit. That was a great time. We're 5 days away from the Super Bowl this year. I'm pumped. I watched the Colts news conferences last night. I'll see a little of the stuff during lunch today. Oh and by the way. I get pretty excited for the Super Bowl every year. I watch the media days and stuff every year. Not just this year because the Colts are in it. But hey. The Colts are there.

Go Colts!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

State of the Union

Ok so I watched the speech last night. I don't have the normal thoughts but here is what I noticed.

1. Nancy Pelosi's mouth never stopped. Was she sucking on a cough drop?

2. Dick Cheney looked like he almost fell asleep. I don't think he was paying attention.

3. I think I heard the President say that he believed in global warming? I don't follow politics much is this a change?

4. Dikembe is really really tall.

5. Great idea to cut gas use by 20% but how are you going to do that? And if you figure out a way to do it why pick a number as low as 20%?

6. Why do we need to do more drilling when the President proposed cutting our oil usage?

7. If we double the Strategic Petroleum Reserve where are we going to put all that oil? The reserves are almost at capacity now. Capacity is 727 million barrels and right now we are at 688.6 million barrels. Doubling the capacity sounds expensive.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Ok this is going to be patchwork.

1. I'm glad I was wrong on how the game should go. I'm glad the Patriots were classy at the end. They had a great run and stretched the Colts to the limit.

2. Wooooooooweeee. What a game for the ages. Linemen scoring, great comeback, bad calls, a sweetheart of a story. I watched it in my chair, standing up, on my knees, everything except for upside down. Sheesh. I can't wait to watch it again on NFL Network.

3. Manning was incredible in the second half. The defense came up big at the end of the game.

4. At the end of the game I ripped off my jersey. I then ran outside and did a front flip into the snow. It was cold and wet. That was way dumb.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I like to watch T.V. But I watch different things than apparently normal people watch. I have never seen an episode of American Idol or Survivor. I've never seen Greys Anatomy or ER. I've never watched 24 or Lost or Prison Break. I have seen NBA games from before I was born. In fact I've seen them multiple times and I still yell at the refs. I've watched boxing on ESPN Classic. I've watched mini golf championships, dart throwing championships, strongest man competitions, I love to watch curling. I will watch some non-sports t.v. I like Seinfeld reruns. I watch Mythbusters sometimes. But give me a choice and I'll take sports (even games I've already seen) almost every time.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Colts Patriots

Ugh. It's only Wednesday. I don't want to listen to sports talk or read sports media cover this anymore. I will of course watch and read much more. I'm sick of the Patriots. I will not even attempt to hide my disdain. I'm sick of the genius talk. I'm sick of the golden boy. I'm sick of the dynasty. I want the Patriots to lose. I want them to look bad doing it. I want a response from them like the Pistons response to losing to the Bulls in 1991.

I'm excited and scared of this game all at the same time. I'm ready for the Colts to win and take their place among the greats. I'm also scared. The stinking Patriots. I hate the Patriots. I'm scared of what will happen if the Colts lose. I may cry. I may have to give up sports media forever. I may have to drive 2 hours to find a White Castle. Hey that's tempting if they win too.

I think that's enough from me right now.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Last night was one of those nights. Sometimes I get these awful headaches where pretty much all I can do is sleep. I got one of those yesterday morning. I slept as much as I could that afternoon and felt a little better that evening. So I sent Steph to rent a movie. I don't do that often. It's not that I don't trust her to pick movies. It's that I don't trust her to pick good movies. Last night she hit a homerun. She came home and said that she rented a football movie based on a true story. My mind instantly went to a movie I'd heard about with the Rock in it. I have a rule. Don't watch a movie with the Rock in a starring role. But then she said it was Invincible. It was a pretty good movie. It had its slow parts. But it was clean and inspirational. It made me want to watch Rudy. It made me want to play some football. It also made me wish that he had played for the Colts. If he had I'd probably buy the movie. It was good.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


My sister got me an iPod for Christmas. At first I wasn't so sure about it. The instructions included didn't help me at all. The itunes store was so bogged down I couldn't do anything. But now I have changed my mind. The thing's great. I have a fm transmitter for it so I can use it in the car or with any of the radios in the house. I have 203 songs on it and it'll hold a ton more but I'm running out of ideas. Now I'm looking forward to getting the running thingy for it. It'll keep track of my runs and store all the info online. That could be neat. I'll let you know. Thanks Tam!

Friday, January 05, 2007


I'm a huge sports fan. One of the biggest fans that I know. I'm not Stump the Schwab material but I follow pretty closely. Here's my problem. And I've probably whined about this to you before. My teams don't win championships. You may tell me that championships are overrated and I should be happy to cheer for teams that have winning records. I tell you that it's easy for you to say that because your team has won a championship. Let's look at the history. I became a serious sports fan when we moved to Indy. Before that I was too young to really get into it. I went to a Monday Night Colts game back in the late 80's and was hooked on them ever since. They haven't been to a Super Bowl since I've been a fan. I became a Notre Dame fan when we started going to games in 1989. The year after they won the championship. I've cheered for the Pacers since we started going to their games in the early 90's. They went to the finals once and I was so thrilled that we flew a Pacers banner from the top of the bell tower of the old school house we lived in. They lost to the Lakers. I don't know what it is to win a celebrate a championship. Sometimes I feel I never will.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Go Irish!

I am ready for some football. I tend to grow more optimistic right up until game time. Man, ND could use a bowl win.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years resolutions

I don't usually make resolutions. Last year I started running. This year I'm thinking about making a sports fan resolution. Help me decide.

1. Go to a sporting event for each major sport. I'm thinking a year of at least one game each of NCAA basketball, football, NBA, MLB, NFL, and I haven't decided if NHL is a major sport or not. This may be difficult because Sundays are hard and I've never been bored enough to go to a NHL game before.

2. Go to a decent Bowl game. That of course rules out the Motor City Bowl.

I'm also open to suggestions. What do you think?

Me as an elf

My mom gets a little bored sometimes. Here's her latest creation.

Paul the Elf